Schoolhouse Educational Services Summer 2024 Webinars

Webinars and Training – Career Development & Continuing Education Courses for Special Education Professionals

Schoolhouse Educational Services, Inc. is in a unique position to offer training and consultation on important subjects such as Dyslexia, Executive Functions, and Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses. Not only have we authored tests and assessments, but we have worked with leading authors that have been at the forefront of developing tools to not only identify, but create strategies to mitigate and in many cases, overcome cognitive dysfunctions in children.

Schoolhouse Educational Services, Inc. is now a NASP-Approved Provider of Continuing Professional Development

Please note that only some of the trainings and webinars below are currently approved for NASP Continuing Professional Development hours. The ones that are currently approved say “NASP CPD hours available” at the top of the training/webinar information.

Please Review the Continuing Education Policy BEFORE Registering for Training

Continuing Education (CE) Policies

Schoolhouse Educational Services is a NASP-Approved Provider

NASP CPD  Hours Available

Translating Neuropsychology into School Practice

NASP CPD Hours Available
Hosted by Schoolhouse Educational Services, Inc.

This two-course program is designed for educational personnel from multiple disciplines such as regular and special education teachers, intervention specialists, school psychologists, educational diagnosticians, speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, counselors, social workers, support personnel, IEP team members, and school administrators.

Dr. Elaine Fletcher-Janzen Class Instructor NASP-Approved Home Page

New! Memory Intervention Certificate Program

NASP CPD hours available
Format: Recorded Class, Consultation, and Supervised Case
Instructor: Dr. Milton Dehn
The Memory Intervention Certificate Program is 36-hour webinar-based program designed to train psychologists and school psychologists in neuropsychological and evidence-based methods in assessment and intervention to improve memory, learning, and daily functioning in youth and adults with memory impairments and memory problems.

The CEU’s are both NASP and APA approved, and they are also approved by California and New York.
Link below leaves the Schoolhouse Educational Services website.

Featured Webinars

After your on-demand webinar purchase is processed, you will receive an email with the handouts and access link to the recorded webinar.
Please allow 24 hours.

Using the Feifer Assessment of Writing to Diagnose Written Language Disorders

Presenter: Dr. Milton J. Dehn
Recorded: February 2024
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $129

The FAW is a unique test that includes both writing skills and writing aptitudes. It is ideal for diagnosing dysgraphia and written language disorders. This three-hour workshop will cover the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the FAW. The focus will be on effective use and interpretation of the FAW when conducting dysgraphia and written expression disability assessments

Effective Study Skills for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Recorded: July 2023
Price: $99

Students with learning disabilities often lack good study skills and memorization strategies. Drawing on his 20 years of experience with tutoring and coaching students with SLD and students with memory problems, Dr. Dehn will present evidence-based procedures for study, memorization, and test taking that are effective with struggling and disabled students. During the workshop participants will have opportunities for practice with the methods, and they will be provided with written directions and handouts to take back to school this fall

Using the Feifer Assessment of Reading to Diagnose Reading Disorders

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Recorded:  July 2023
Price: $149

The FAR is a unique test that includes both reading skills and reading aptitudes. It is ideal for diagnosing dyslexia and reading disabilities. This workshop will cover the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the FAR. The focus will be on effective use and interpretation of the FAR when conducting dyslexia and reading disability assessments.

Understanding the Role of Working Memory in Academic Learning

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $45.00

This 90-minute recorded webinar discusses how working memory specifically influences all aspects of academic learning and academic performance, including its specific relations with reading, math, and written language skills. These relations are so strong that working memory deficits are likely to result in learning disabilities. Interventions for working memory are also reviewed, including cognitive load modifications, accommodations, working memory exercises, and teaching working memory strategies.

Using the WRAML-3 to Assess Children’s Memory

Format: Recorded Webinar
Recorded: May 2023
Price: $149.00

This webinar covers the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the WRAML-3 when conducting a comprehensive assessment of children’s memory. The focus is on interpretation of the Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning 3rd Edition using Dr. Dehn’s working and long-term memory assessment models.
This recorded webinar includes interesting discussion and questions and answers that occurred with attendees during the live presentation.

KTEA-3 Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $149.00

This 3-hour recorded training webinar teaches administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA-3), with details on administration and scoring of the subtests and an emphasis on interpretation of results, especially regarding diagnosis of specific learning disabilities and dyslexia.

Using Restorative Practices to Create a School with a Relationship-Centered Mindset

Presenter: Rufus Lott III
Recorded: June 2023
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $129.00

Join Rufus Lott III for an in-depth look into Restorative Practices! He will explain implementation of Restorative Practies and how to create schools that put relationships at the center of every interaction. Attendees will learn approaches for holding students accountable as well as how to support teachers without over utilizing exclusionary consequences.

An Introduction to Standardized Educational Testing

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: A 5.5-Hour On-Demand Pre-Recorded Training Webinar
Recorded:  January 2023
Price: $149.00

Intended for new special education teachers who need to learn or review the fundamentals of individual, standardized testing of achievement and related areas. The webinar will cover the technical aspects of formal tests, such as reliability and validity. It will then help attendees understand test statistics and how to present standardized test scores to parents. Next, it will cover standardized administration and scoring procedures that apply to all tests. It will conclude with advice and models for interpreting test results in written reports.

Social Emotional Learning: Assessment and Intervention

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $60.00

This 3-hour training workshop discusses the SEL construct, CASEL core competencies, relations between executive functions and SEL, recommended screening and assessment procedures, a new SEL rating scale, and SEL curriculum, training, and interventions options.

Comprehensive Assessment of Memory Using the Memory Processes Analyzer

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $90.00

Working and long-term memory weaknesses in youth impair academic performance and achievement. An in-depth understanding of a learner’s memory strengths and weaknesses can lead to better student support and identification of learning disabilities. This 3-hour webinar will discuss 13 specific memory processes and their relations with academic learning.

Executive Functions Assessment and Intervention

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $90.00

This recorded webinar proposes an in-depth, neuropsychological approach to executive functions assessment that goes beyond simple rating scales. The presentation includes a review of the new McCloskey Executive Functions Scale (MEFS). The webinar also includes information on evidence-based interventions that address specific executive weaknesses.

Early Identification of Dyslexia

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $90.00
Updated: March 2023

This 3-hour webinar begins by discussing dyslexia definitions, characteristics, and misconceptions, followed by a detailed discussion of phonological and orthographic processing. The focus then shifts to the neuropsychology of dyslexia, followed by assessment strategies, including using a pattern of strengths and weaknesses approach, and examples of relatively new dyslexia-specific measures. This is followed by recommendations for screening and evaluating young children for dyslexia and an introduction to a recently released, norm-referenced screener. Case studies and interventions, especially for orthographic processing are included.

WIAT 4 Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $175.00

This 5.5 hour recorded training webinar teaches administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Fourth Edition (WIAT 4), with details on administration and scoring of the subtests and an emphasis on interpretation of results, especially regarding diagnosis of specific learning disabilities and dyslexia.

Overview of Speech Production: Assessment and Diagnosis

Presenter: Dr. Stephen Camarata
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $45.00

This recorded webinar by Dr. Stephen Camarata provides an overview of speech production and the assessment of speech and articulation. It also discusses speech development, why phonemes matter, why words matter, levels of assessment, and speech developmental norms. Finally, it introduces the Woodcock-Camarata Articulation Battery.

Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Achievement and WJ IV Tests of Oral Language (New July 2023)

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $195.00

This 6-hour (on demand) webinar includes an overview of the two scales, how to do selective testing for various disabilities, general administration and scoring rules, specific administration scoring rules for the tests/subtests, how to use the online scoring, and how to interpret the results on the score report.

Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Achievement

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $195.00

The webinar includes an overview of the scale, how to do selective testing for various disabilities, general administration and scoring rules, specific administration scoring rules for the tests/subtests, how to use the online scoring, and how to interpret the results on the score report.

Woodcock-Johnson IV Test of Cognitive Abilities

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $175.00

This webinar-based workshop focuses on the administration, scoring, and interpretation of all of the tests in the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities. The webinar also includes changes from the WJ III, an overview of the scale’s technical properties, the theoretical foundation of the WJ IV, how to do selective testing for various disabilities, a demonstration of online scoring, and interpretation of the results shown in the WJ IV score report.”

Using PSW to Identify Specific Learning Disabilities

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $90.00

The focus of this workshop is on PSW assessment procedures, with an emphasis on Dehn’s PSW model. The webinar includes procedures for identifying statistically significant strengths and weaknesses when multi-battery test results need to be analyzed. Information about the Psychological Processing Analyzer (PPA) is also included. The workshop concludes with a brief review of evidence-based interventions for processing deficits.

Executive Functions in Children with ADHD

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: Recorded Webinar
Price: $45.00
This presentation discusses the executive functions that are most likely to be deficient or delayed in children with ADHD. Knowing these details will allow practitioners to better address the needs of children with ADHD.

Free Live and On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar Webinars

An In-Depth Approach to Processing Speed Assessment

Presenters: Jason Craig and Milton Dehn
Format: On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar
Recorded Live: August 2025

All cognitive processing depends on adequate neurological processing speed. Learn the details about processing speed development and functioning and why a more in-depth approach to its assessment is needed.

Translating the Neuropsychology of Emotions into Social-Emotional Learning

Presenter: Dr. Elaine Fletcher-Janze
Format: On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar
Recorded Live:
July 2024
Price: Free

This workshop will provide a review of the latest affective neuroscience research and introduce a new perspective on social-emotional skill acquisition. The presentation will translate affective neuroscientific research findings into terms easily understood by educational and psychology professionals and relate these findings to conscious regulation of social-emotional learning and self-care in adults and students.

The Hippocampus: The Brain Center on which Learning Depends

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar
Recorded Live:
June 2024

Even a slight reduction in hippocampus functioning can have a significant impact on new learning and retention. Every educator, SLP, and psychologist should have an in-depth knowledge of this critically important brain structure and how to support it.

Contextual Reasoning: The Overlooked Form of Reasoning in Diverse Populations

Free Webinar with Milton Dehn and Carl Romstad
Format: On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar
Recorded Live:
May 2024
Price: Free

The reasoning abilities of some diverse populations are often underestimated because of the traditional emphasis on abstract reasoning when assessing students who are struggling with academic learning. This presentation will explain contextual reasoning and the roles it plays in academic learning and daily life, followed by an introduction to a new standardized scale designed to measure contextual reasoning.

A Personal Journey to Equitable Assessment of Intelligence: Measure Thinking not Knowing

Presenter: Dr. Jack Naglieri
Format: On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar
Price: Free

Equitable intelligence testing has always been important, but in recent years the need for equity has become more urgent. This session will clarify what is meant by fair, equitable, and nonbiased assessment. Socially just assessment requires an understanding of the history intelligence tests, self-reflection on how we conceptualize and use these tests, and self-correction in response to the research. We can do better if we measure how well a student thinks (defined as PASS theory) in a way that is not confounded by what they know.

Assessment of Social-Emotional Learning from an Executive Functions Perspective

Presenter: Dr. George McCloskey
Format: On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar
Recorded: September 2023
Price: Free

As more schools focus on students’ social-emotional learning (SEL), screening and assessment of SEL is becoming a priority. Most schools adopt the CASEL model of SEL which addresses five broad and interrelated areas of competence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Dr. George McCloskey will discuss SEL assessment from an executive functions and CASEL perspective while introducing his new SEL rating scale.

Understanding Orthography: Reading and Spelling Do Involve the Eyes!

Presenter: Dr. Nancy Mather
Format: On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar
Recorded: January 2023
: Free

The purpose of this session is to explain how difficulties mastering English orthography impact both reading and spelling development. In the broadest sense, orthography refers to the components of the writing system of a language, including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and spelling patterns and rules. Orthographic processing is how the brain acquires orthographic knowledge including forming, storing, and accurately and rapidly retrieving individual letters and spelling patterns. Participants will understand how orthographic knowledge is related to dyslexia and why it is so difficult for some children to acquire this knowledge.

Assessment of Orthographic Processing

Presenter: Dr. Milton Dehn
Format: On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar
Price: Free

Dr. Milton Dehn discusses orthographic processing and assessment recommendations in a free recorded 11-minute webinar.

Assessment and Treatment of Student Stress

Presenter: Giorgio Jovani di Salvatore
Format: On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar
Price: Free

This presentation begins with a review of the impact of stress and trauma on academic achievement and cognitive processes, followed by a review of the neuropsychology and common symptoms of student stress and trauma. A new standardized rating scale for ages 5-18, the Comprehensive Assessment of Student Stress (CASS), is introduced, along with data illustrating how stress and trauma vary by demographic variables, such as ethnicity. The CASS is a digital tool that measures four areas of stress response: affective, behavioral, cognitive, and physical, as well as functional impairment and DSM stress and trauma symptoms. The presentation concludes with an overview of recommended interventions.

Disconnect and Connect: Seven Practical Steps to Reduce Students’ Technology Dependence

Presenters: Dr. Amber Saracino & Raina Cunzio
On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar
Price: Free

Technology continues to be an integral part of our lives, but overuse of screen time is wreaking havoc on students’ social interaction and mental and physical health. The positive and negative implications of technology exposure will be reviewed. A practical 7-step guide for educators and parents will be provided on how to balance connectivity and decrease technology dependence. The use of an Individual Technology Reduction Plan will be reviewed, along with its development and implementation.

Explaining the Results of your Comprehensive Evaluation Succinctly

Presenter: Dr. Jenny Ponzuric
Format: On-Demand Pre-Recorded Webinar
Price: Free

You just completed your comprehensive evaluation of the student. Now, you just need to explain it to the parents and the team. How do you do this in a succinct manner? That is what we are going to discuss during this webinar. We are going to take the results of your evaluation and explore ways to verbally explain them in a manner that is most useful to the team.

Jenny Ponzuric, a school neuropsychologist, is a consultant and trainer who provides workshops on learning disabilities, MTSS, PSW, dyslexia, and more.

The SEL Toolbox: Helping Students Generalize SEL Skills

Presenter: Dr. Briana Makofske
Format: On-Demand Recorded Webinar
Price: Free

The SEL Toolbox provides practitioners intervention tools to help students generalize learned self-regulation and executive functioning skills. Students often have difficulty generalizing new, learned strategies outside of small, structured, group settings. This presentation offers a variety of creative, adaptable interventions that not only reinforce new self-regulation strategies, but also requires students to apply their skills in unpredictable, unstructured situations. When students practice self-regulation strategies in a safe environment that gradually becomes more challenging, they are more likely able to apply those strategies in a classroom setting.

Request Customized Training Consultation

Schoolhouse Educational Services, Inc. offers specialized training in the use and interpretation of tests and assessments. We can tailor district-wide training programs to meet your school’s or district’s needs. Options include in-person or web-based individual or group training! Additionally, Schoolhouse Educational Services can provide training on tests and assessments your school or district are looking to adopt.

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Schoolhouse Educational Services, Inc. Webinars and Training
Schoolhouse Educational Services, Inc. publishes psycho-educational assessment products for school psychologists, educators and speech therapists! Our catalogue of innovative assessment tools includes tests, assessments, and webinars that offer school professionals both live and recorded content!

Schoolhouse Educational Services, Inc. is there to help you, the school professional, learn how to best use cutting edge tools, tests and assessments.