Woodcock-Johnson IV Test of Cognitive Abilities – Webinar


Format: Recorded Webinar
Presenter: Dr.Milton Dehn
Cost: $175.00
This webinar-based workshop focuses on the administration, scoring, and interpretation of all of the tests in the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities. The webinar also includes changes from the WJ III, an overview of the scale’s technical properties, the theoretical foundation of the WJ IV, how to do selective testing for various disabilities, a demonstration of online scoring, and interpretation of the results shown in the WJ IV score report.”

This five-hour recorded training webinar covers the administration, scoring, and interpretation of all the tests in the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Ability. The webinar includes an overview of the scale, how to do selective testing, general administration and scoring rules, specific administration scoring rules for the tests/subtests, how to use the online scoring, and how to interpret the results on the score report. The webinar also addresses the alignment of the WJ IV Cognitive clusters and tests with CHC (Carroll-Horn-Cattell) theory