Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test, 2nd Ed (RIST-2)
The RIST-2 is a brief screening measure helps you quickly identify individuals who need a more comprehensive intellectual assessment. Derived from the updated RIAS-2 subtests, the RIST-2 retains the same two subtests as the original RIST: Guess What, a verbal subtest, which is a traditional measure of crystallized intelligence; and Odd-Item Out, a nonverbal subtest, which focuses on fluid intelligence.
RIST-2 Introductory Kit* – $369
RIST-2 Record Forms (Pkg/25) – $72
*Kit includes Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 RIST-2 Record Forms, and Stimulus Book 1.
Authors: Randy Kamphaus, Cecil Reynolds
Purpose: Assess intelligence and its major components
Ages: 3 – 94 years
Administration: Individual
Published: 2015
Administration Time: 15 minutes
Qualification Level B
Qualification Level: | B | Click For Qualification Level Information |
The RIST-2 normative sample is the same as that for the RIAS-2, which was updated to reflect the most recent U.S. Census. Criterion-related validity was assessed via correlations with the WISC-IV™ FSIQ (.68), WAIS-IV™ FSIQ (.62), WPPSI-IV™ FSIQ (.62), AAB Composite (.53), FAR Total Index (.40), and ChAMP Total Memory Index (.51).
Score correlations strongly suggest the RIST-2 is an appropriate screener for intelligence. Validity of the RIST-2 was assessed in studies with stroke, dementia, hearing impairment, traumatic brain injury, intellectual disability disorder, ADHD, learning disability, and gifted clinical groups.
The RIST-2 can effectively identify individuals with an intellectual impairment. Correlations between the RIST-2 index and RIAS-2 subtests were .84 and .87, respectively, for Guess What and Odd-Item Out.
Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test, 2nd Ed Materials and Pricing | ||
RIASRISTKIT | RIAS-2/RIST-2 Comprehensive Kit | $930.00 |
RIST2-KIT | Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test, 2nd Ed (RIST) Complete Kit | $433.00 |
RIST-2 Kit includes Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 RIST-2 Record Forms, and Stimulus Book 1 | ||
RIASRISTMAN | RIAS/RIST-2 Manual/Fast Guide | $244.00 |
RIST2-RF25 | RIST-2 Record Forms 25 Pack | $88.00 |
Purchase Orders:
Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test, 2nd Ed Kit RIST-2
$457.00 -
RIST-2 Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test Record Forms 25 pack
$93.00 -
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, 2nd Ed – RIAS-2 Record Forms 25 Pack
$136.00 -
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, 2nd Ed – RIAS-2 Response Forms 25 Pack
$48.00 -
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, 2nd Ed – RIAS Kit
$907.00 -
RIAS-2/RIST-2 Comprehensive Kit
$982.00 -
RIAS-2/RIST-2 Manual/Fast Guide